Let's talk about something that's keeping Range Rover owners awake at night: the surge in keyless car theft. With over 28,000 vehicles stolen in London alone last year using sophisticated electronic methods, both security bollards and Ghost immobilisers are becoming increasingly popular solutions. But which one actually works better? And should you maybe have both?
The Stats
Before we dive in, here's something interesting: while Ghost-protected vehicles show impressive theft prevention rates (around 97% successful prevention), properties with security bollards report almost zero successful thefts. That's right - zero. But there's more to this story than just numbers.
Understanding Both Systems
Ghost Immobilisers: The Electronic Guardian
Ghost systems are clever. They work by adding a secret sequence of button presses (using your car's existing buttons) that you need to enter before the engine will start. Even if thieves clone your key signal, they can't start the car without knowing this code.
The good? They're:
Completely hidden
Impossible to scan for
Always active
Insurance approved
The not so good? Professional thieves have started finding ways around them, either by intercepting the code or, more commonly, simply loading the car onto a trailer.
Security Bollards: The Physical Barrier
Security bollards take a different approach - they make it physically impossible to drive the car away. No matter how many key signals thieves clone or immobilisers they bypass, they can't move a car past a solid steel post.
The good? They:
Stop all types of theft attempts
Reduce insurance premiums significantly
Can't be hacked or bypassed
Last for decades
The catch? You need to remember to raise them each night. Though for many, this routine becomes as natural as locking your front door, and there's always automatic security bollard options which do it themselves.
What Thieves Are Actually Doing
Here's where it gets interesting. We're seeing a clear pattern in how professional theft rings operate:
They first check for Ghost systems (they have ways)
If they find one, they either:
Try to intercept the code
Plan a lift-and-shift trailer theft
But when they spot bollards? They typically move on immediately
How Should You Choose?
When Ghost Makes Sense
A Ghost system is perfect if:
You park in different locations regularly
You're worried about theft away from home
You want constant protection without any daily action
You can't install bollards (like in a rented property)
When Bollards Are Better
Security bollards are ideal when:
Your car is mainly at risk at home
You want the highest level of protection
You're looking for insurance premium reductions
You want a solution that can't be hacked
The Power of Both
Here's something most security companies won't tell you: the best solution is often both. Why? Because each system covers the other's weaknesses:
Bollards protect against trailer theft
Ghost protects when you're away from home
Together they make your car virtually unstealable
Real-World Example
One of our clients in Essex had his Range Rover Sport stolen despite having a Ghost system - the thieves simply loaded it onto a trailer. After installing bollards as well, he's had two attempted thefts, both unsuccessful. His insurance premium has dropped by 20%, effectively paying for both security measures within two years.
Next Steps
If You Choose Ghost:
Keep your code complex but memorable
Change it periodically
Consider additional physical security
Always park in well-lit areas
If You Choose Bollards:
Opt for insurance-approved installation
Create a nightly routine
Consider automated systems for convenience
Maintain them properly
If You Choose Both:
Install the Ghost first (it's quicker)
Plan your bollard installation carefully
Document everything for your insurer
Maintain both systems regularly
The Bottom Line
Both systems work, but they work differently. Ghost immobilisers are excellent for all-round protection, while bollards offer unbeatable security at home. If you can, use both. If you have to choose one, think about where your car is most at risk and how you use it.
Want to know more about either option? Give us a call at Wentworth Protection. We'll help you understand exactly what would work best for your specific situation - no pressure, just honest advice about keeping your vehicle where it belongs: with you.

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